Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job that I’ve ever done.
I’m the boss, lunch lady, custodian, teacher, and playmate. As a stay at home mom, I wash dishes while singing to my kids, make up games for us when we’re stuck inside, and try to get both of my kids to play together (nicely). There are so many hats that I wear as a stay at home mom, but there are a few things that make the job easier…
This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list, but I’d argue that #1 is going to be the hardest for a lot of us.
Don’t you think?
7 Ways to Rock as a SAHM
1.) Go on…say it: I ROCK at being a Mom!
Was it hard to say? I think it’s so important to remind ourselves every day that we rock as a mom. Write it on a mirror, tuck a note in your wallet, or say it out loud! The more we say it, the more it becomes a part of who we are.
2.) Define your Expectations as a Stay at Home Mom
Have you ever sat down and talked with your partner about your expectations as a stay-at-home Mom? There are so many stigmas about what a stay-at-mom is or isn’t, but YOUR expectations are what matter most. Figure out what a stay-at-home mom means for your family because it looks different for each and every family.
3.) Stop Comparing to Other Moms
This is a shout out to all moms: don’t compare yourself with other moms. Look, your parenting, your choices, and your kids are completely different from the Mom next to you. Cut out the comparisons and we’ll all be happier moms!
4.) Find Balance
If you’re like me, then being super social with other moms might not be your strength. Or, you might LOVE being social all day long. We’ve found that staying super social in the mornings (for my daughter) and relaxed in the afternoons (for me) keeps us both happy all week long. Striking that balance will help keep each of you filled up and relaxed.
5.) Be Your Biggest Fan
This is the case in any job – I know – but, the thing about being a stay at home Mom is that you don’t have a lot of feedback. There’s no boss giving you employee of the month and no co-workers saying, “you rock!” Instead, you have to believe in yourself and the choices you make all day long. Remind yourself often that you are amazing. You are doing the best you can. You are a great mom.
6.) Find a Community
Tap into a community of people for you and for your kids. Dance class and art class have been a wonderful way for us to form a community. Neighbors have provided that for us as well. But, the hardest part of being a stay-at-home mom is that you can get isolated. No one wins when you’re isolated. Contact your local community college, parks and recreation, or any place in your area that can connect you with classes or a community.
I know it’s not always easy to make that first step. Honestly, it can cause alot of anxiety! But, try, try again. When you do find a community that clicks with who you are, it is worth every effort in the world.
7.) Figure out a Routine
There is a level of flexibility that we have by being stay-at-home moms that can work against us. You wake up, don’t get dressed, and suddenly your stare at the clock and it’s mid-afternoon. Doing that consistently will throw you and the kids off, so be sure to build in a flow or routine that happens every single day while your home – especially if you have little ones in the house who thrive on routines.
Perhaps most importantly, remember that you matter.
Remember your passions outside of your kids. Remember what got you excited before you had kids. Remember to nurture all parts of yourself so that you truly can ROCK at being a healthy, happy mom!
Join the community on our Facebook page and tell us how you are rocking it as a stay at home mom 🙂
Lisette says
Yes!! Great post Katie!
Emma @ P is for Preschooler says
I need to work on the mom comparisons! I love this positive post! 🙂
Still Playing School says
Love this, Katie!
Katie Joiner says
Thank you, Devany!!
Laura says
I had to screenshot #5 it’s so true I am joining you somehow every thing you talked about was like reading my own life I have been a stay at home mom for the past 7 years I am just turning 25 next week I have a 7 and 3 year old boy and girl ….. and we have so much in common ! Can’t wait to see what else you got 🙂
Katie Joiner says
Awesome, Laura!! I’m so glad you’re here 🙂 🙂 says
I LOVE being a stay at home mom, but sometimes I feel like I’m not heard. I talk more about it here-
I love these 7 tips!!! Especially at the end when you say “remember that you matter.” I have moments where I need to REMEMBER THIS. Thank you!
Katie Joiner says
Thank you, Kristina – it’s so simple, but remembering ourselves amid the chaos is SO important!!
Mere says
I’m not a stay at home mom but could certainly relate to all of these!!
Brit says
Great post. I so need stop comparing myself to other moms.
Joanie says
Thanks for posting this! Needed it today 🙂
Katie Joiner says
I’m so glad you stopped by, Joanie!
Wendy says
Thank you.
Katie Joiner says
You go it, Wendy!!!
Laura says
You rock! : )
Katie Joiner says
Thanks, Laura!! <3
AisLynn says
Oh my gosh and the one most important thing to remember is to FORGIVE YOURSELF. Yes you are a mom and we hold ourselves to a really high standard but you are not a super human. No matter what happens, so long as everyone is alive at the end of the day, you did your job and tomorrow will always figure itself out just like today did. With a whole lot of help from you if course 😉
Katie Joiner says
Such a good point, AisLynn!! I’m going to add that to the list ~ thank you 🙂
Abi Craig says
Good tips on how to be the best we can at what God has called us to do. I was going to try to pick a favorite, but . . . they’re all good! Finding a balance that works for all of us can be tricky but very important.
Katie Joiner says
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Abi! It really is an amazing role we hold in our children’s lives!!
Flora says
I love this list! As a fellow stay-at-home mom I can attest to how important it is to have a community. Luckily, I moved into a new neighborhood right before having my son. I have met 5+ great moms that are either stay-at-home, or at least have a few days a week at home with their little ones. Getting together for a short walk or play date makes the days go by better for my son and for me!:-)
Flora says
BTW, I’m sharing this on my Facebook page. Thanks for the great post!
Katie Joiner says
Thanks so much, Flora! And, how sweet of you to share this post on FB – thank you 🙂
Tanya Palmer says
Im having trouble teaching my little girl to use the bathroom. She knows how to go number 1 in the toilet but wont go number 2. And sometimes forgets to use it all together. Im a little frustrated. Can you help?
Katie Joiner says
Hey Tanya, how old is your little one?